Mint, Organic - Greenheart Organic Farms
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Mint, Organic

Mint, Organic

No herb is more widely known than the fragrant Mint. The herb that flavors our toothpaste, breath fresheners, cough drop and candy invokes a cool, refreshing feeling. Over 600 varieties of Mint are known. All plants feature square stems, opposite leaf arrangement, and flowers in terminal heads, spikes or whorled arrangement. The leaves usually are creased, serrated, round to oval, and pointed at the tip. Leaf colors range from dark green and gray-green to purple, blue, and sometimes pale yellow. The flowers are white to purple and produced in false whorls called verticillasters. Mint has its origins in the Mediterranean and was spread by the Romans throughout Europe. Since ancient times it has been treasured for its countless medicinal and culinary uses.

Organic Certification: ESMA E17-10-008292